The New Buffalo: Post-Apocalyptic Release Costume Party

  • Where: Dreamland, 387 Franklin St, Buffalo, NY , buffalo
  • 2016-08-26 20:00 UTC When: 8/26/2016
Gay Friendly

The New Buffalo is a serial comic project from buffalo-based duo Dana Mcknight (Dreamland) and Mickey Harmon (Grovey Cleves) ----satirizing the gentrification/"renaissance" of their former zombie City. Set in the year 2075--- several years after nuclear catastrophe, The New Buffalo is a land wrought with danger: Mulleted Mutants, a canalside rendered untouchable by the surrounding toxic waters, zooba-wearing gangs and a new generation of Buffalonians fully unaware of its glorious hotel-laden past. 100 copies printed only. $5 includes entry into party and a comic! Come dressed in Buffalo Apocalypse Finery.... (pre-orders available by sending 5 bucks to via paypal!)
