Clarks Beach


Head towards the lighthouse and keep an eye open for the sign "Clark's Beach" you'll find a dirt/gra

Is This Your Business?

If you can't find it, just ask a local where Clark's Beach is, or google the Byron Lighthouse, there are a few beats in toilets along the way to the lighthouse like Main beach and 'The Pass' beach.
Crowd: Surfer's, skater boys, a few older 'straight' guys.

Who's Coming

Surfer's, skater boys, a few older 'straight' guys.

Turn left off Johnson St round about Byron Bay, and head towards the road that leads to the lighthouse. Turn left into the carpark of Clarks Beach.
  • Crowd:Surfer's, skater boys, a few older 'straight' guys.
  • Directions:Turn left off Johnson St round about Byron Bay, and head towards the road that leads to the lighthouse. Turn left into the carpark of Clarks Beach.
  • Hours:Day time weekends/weekdays and Night.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Be patient, it might take awhile but there's always action there and I've NEVER been dissapointed.
    Just be considerate of the families and heteros there, it's a popular surf and swim beach.
    Cruisiest Spots: The toilets. This beat has been active for about 15-20 years, there used to be a big glory hole but it has since been covered up, there are still peeep holes in every single toilet .
  • Nudity / Policy:Yes
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:Sometimes there a people having a bbq outside the toilets, but generally it's pretty private, and there are heaps of bushes to go into if you meet someone in the toilets.
    Warnings: Heteros... Like any beat, just considerate and respectful of the surroundings.
whos coming to Clarks Beach