McDonalds and Subway.


Is This Your Business?

Crowd: Trucker types.

Who's Coming

Trucker types.

From Dalton, Exit 333, go south and exit Carbondale road (exit 326) and turn left. McDonalds truck stop will be on the left hand side.
Cross street: S. Dixie Rd.
  • Crowd:Trucker types.
  • Hours:All night truck stop.
    Best times: Afternoons.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Restroom.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:Can by pretty heavy traffic at times.
whos coming to McDonalds and Subway.
  • This is a strang spot sometimes it can be very kool other times the cops are sitting around the parkinglot, if you knew when the busses run looks like you could have some fun truckers hmmm look the same as any other truck stop. there used to be a camp ground behind and to the left of the truck stop that could be very KOOL if you know what im saying but havent ck that part out yet. If anyone else know anything else about this place hit me back

    Commented on 4/12/2009 4:36:41 AM

  • This place is also dead - for cruising that is... Nothing but straight people, truckers, elderly, etc - nothing!

    Commented on 3/26/2007 9:14:49 AM
