Battery Beach- Snakepark Beach


Is This Your Business?

Areas reasonably well-lit at night. Open, with no really heavy bushes, etc. Not really private, except for parts of the beaches furthest from lights.
Crowd: Local gay guys, all ages and races, in cars.

Who's Coming

Local gay guys, all ages and races, in cars.

From intersection of Argyle Road and Marine Parade, south along Marine Parade to Snakepark Beach.
  • Crowd:Local gay guys, all ages and races, in cars.
  • Directions:From intersection of Argyle Road and Marine Parade, south along Marine Parade to Snakepark Beach.
  • Hours:Mostly after dark until early morning.
    Best times: 8 pm till 1 am.
    Dates open: Mostly after dark until early morning.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Meet guys walking around buildings at Battery Beach, or sitting in cars. Move on to more private places!
    Cruisiest Spots: Public parking areas at Battery Beach and Snakepark Beach. Beachfront promenade adjoining Battery beach parking area.
  • Nudity / Policy:Not recommended
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:Some wandering vagrants begging, plus some unsavoury rent-boy types trying to hustle guys out of their money.
    Warnings: Beware of local police and beach inspectors, who stop and see who's doing what on the beaches/in cars.
whos coming to Battery Beach- Snakepark Beach