Das OX's Clubkeller


Windthorststrasse 43

346 22 90

Is This Your Business?

This leathermen's club is open Saturdays only. Its darkroom has videos, slings and lots of action.
Crowd: Leathermen of all ages.

Who's Coming

Leathermen of all ages.

Club's full title is: "Das OX's Clubkeller des Thuringer Lederclub e.V."
The club is located near the main railway station.
  • Crowd:Leathermen of all ages.
  • Directions:Club's full title is: "Das OX's Clubkeller des Thuringer Lederclub e.V."
    The club is located near the main railway station.
  • Hours:Saturday 9pm until 4am.
    Dates open: Saturday 9pm until 4am.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
whos coming to Das OX's Clubkeller