

1839 Adams Avenue

Is This Your Business?

Cheers is your friendly neighborhood bar located in Historic University Heights. On your way to our friendly establishment have a glance at the Board of Education building on your left, while driving N. on Park Ave. The building in 1897 was The Normal State School of San Diego. An education facility where High School graduates went to become teachers. As you come to the corner of Park and Adams, in front of you is what was in 1898 - 1942 Mission Cliffs Gardens. A five acre recreational park created by the San Diego Cable Railway Company to promote travel on their cable car company. It was at one time considered one of the most beautiful gardens in the country. When you turn right on Adams, just passed Cheers on your left hand side is what's left of the gardens, now known as Trolly Park this once was where the cable cars were housed. Adjacent to the Trolly Park was Harvey Bentley's Ostrich Farm. In the 1900's Mr. Bentley raised ostrich's for lady's ostrich feather hats and garmets, whic

whos coming to Cheers