Main Beach


Dias Road

Is This Your Business?

Crowd: ALL types...

Neighbourhood: Town Centre

Who's Coming

ALL types...

Everyone knows how to get to the main beach in Jbay.
  • Crowd:ALL types...
  • Directions:Everyone knows how to get to the main beach in Jbay.
  • Hours:All day long! Very popular over weekends and holidays. Good at night!!
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Anything goes here. From cruising in your car to taking a walk and showing your stuff.
    Cruisiest Spots: Quite a few. The area at the washrooms is good; on the beach amongst the dunes; down the stairs on the beach and in the car park near the shell ornaments kiosks.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:Bums, hobos and zillions of street children can make it unpleasant. Also look out for the cops!
whos coming to Main Beach