Carrefour Argenteuil


Bethany and Aut. 50 Lachute

Is This Your Business?

Crowd: Truckers, country folk and straight guys looking for BJs.

Neighbourhood: Lachute

Who's Coming

Truckers, country folk and straight guys looking for BJs.

On the corner of Bethany right off the Hwy 50.
Cross street: Bethany
  • Crowd:Truckers, country folk and straight guys looking for BJs.
  • Hours:24hrs a day.
    Best times: Everyday around 3pm or in the evenings.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Tap your foot.
    Cruisiest Spots: The bathrooms in the back near the SAAQ office.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
whos coming to Carrefour Argenteuil
  • dite le moi si quelqu'un va

    Commented on 6/1/2009 12:29:33 PM

  • I want to check this place out, but doesn't seem like there is much action goin on. I will be going on the weekends.

    Commented on 5/1/2009 4:40:51 AM

  • hello! vendredi le 27 fevrier je serai la pour sucer une belle keu et faire sucer la mienne en apres-midi

    Commented on 2/26/2009 5:27:35 AM

  • samedi, 13hrs, meilleur temps! ce dernier samedi, on etait 4, hot

    Commented on 1/18/2009 10:07:03 AM

  • j'ai pass� par lachute ce soir et remarqu� le carrefour argenteuil en autobus. il semble qu'il �tait ferm� pour la journ�e. bon, simplement une petite anecdote

    Commented on 4/17/2007 12:13:59 PM

  • can we meet there ?

    Commented on 1/18/2007 11:06:56 AM

  • This is actualy in Lachute and not Tremblant. It is open normal shopping center hours. fun is possible by very rare. two bathroom, one at the end of a long corridor near Canadina Tire and the other one near bingo hall at the back.

    Commented on 1/9/2007 9:33:07 AM

  • j'avais bien raison: lachute n'est pas situ� � mont-tremblant comme le babillard l'indique. (lachute se trouve aux basses-laurentides.) il faudra donc changer cette information par cons�quent afin d'�viter des confusions ult�rieures...

    i was right: lachute is not located in mont-tremblant, though this is what this message board indicates. it is in the lower laurentians. consequently, the information should be changed in order to avoid confusion for future cruisers on this post...

    respectfully submitted,

    Commented on 1/9/2007 9:25:46 AM
