Wilderness and Dunbar parks


Is This Your Business?

Wilderness is the best of the two. It is secluded once you walk into the park. You can't drive back in there, so you have plenty of warning if someone is coming. The parking lot is pretty cruisey. Men sit and read or smoke and wait for someone to drive i
Crowd: Mostly married (to women) men but also gay men looking for action in a small town.

Who's Coming

Mostly married (to women) men but also gay men looking for action in a small town.

Located at the interserction of Routee 288 ands FM 2004 just north of Lake Jackson.
  • Crowd:Mostly married (to women) men but also gay men looking for action in a small town.
  • Directions:Located at the interserction of Routee 288 ands FM 2004 just north of Lake Jackson.
  • Hours:Dawn to Dusk
    Best times: Hit or miss all day everyday but best times are lunch time and late afternoon.
    Dates open: Dawn to Dusk
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:The parking lot. Just sit back and wait for a look from men.
  • Nudity / Policy:Yes / Not legal, park is secluded enough to wonder off and get naked.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:The name says it all. Lots of bugs, snakes and growth but the trails are clearly marked and until you wonder off on some not so clear trails, that's when you may have an encounter with something creepy.
    Warnings: Cops do come into the parking lot. I have never seen any go into the park. I always ask if they are a cop if I have never seen them before.
whos coming to Wilderness and Dunbar parks