Greetwell Hollow


Carlton blvd, Outercircle Rd, Lincoln

Is This Your Business?

This location is outdoors with plenty of trees for cover, its a large area so privacy is assured.

Neighbourhood: Carlton centre

Go to Mcdonalds on the carlton centre, Outercircle Rd, Park your car and walk over to the grass area and your there.
  • Directions:Go to Mcdonalds on the carlton centre, Outercircle Rd, Park your car and walk over to the grass area and your there.
  • Hours:All day, but early evening til late is best.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Walk about as if you have a dog and watch for other cruisers doing the same, when you hook up find a spot and go for it, all types go here but mainly those wanting real fun so come prepared.
  • Nudity / Policy:Nudity is possible but make sure your hidden, is possible.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No / This area is accessible to most people but terrain is grassy and uneven.
  • Warnings:Dog walkers use this area, so before tea time meet here and go elsewhere if possible.
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