Hurt Park


Is This Your Business?

A county park catering to locals for ballgames/tennis. Lots of walkers/joggers usually at front of the park.
Crowd: Total mix old/young/m/f/.

Neighbourhood: Smyrna/Mableton/Austell

Who's Coming

Total mix old/young/m/f/.

From the East West Connector, turn north on Floyd Rd. (3rd light east of Walmart). Go to intersection of Floyd Rd. & Hurt Rd. There are 2 large churches & a small fire station at the intersection. Turn left/west (toward fire station) at intersection. Park will be about 1/4 mile on right.
Cross street: Austell & East West Connector
  • Crowd:Total mix old/young/m/f/.
  • Hours:Varied. There are several ball fields & tennis courts here that are often used after dark.
    Best times: Week days & afternoons. avoid evenings & weekend afternoons in ball seasons
    Dates open: Year round.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Don't be obvious. Be doing something you'd do in a park. - eating, reading, walking, etc. Use the BACK (or tennis) parking lot. there are trails in the woods all around it - even behind the adjacent ball park. There is also a creek back in the woods
    Cruisiest Spots: BACK parking lot, rest rooms, trails around/from back parking lot to Tennis courts. Judging from the U.C.C. (used count), the back parking lot gats a lot of action. Also R/R at front parking lot.
  • Nudity / Policy:Not obvious - I wish.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:Don't act like a perv. Act legit. Park is lousy with kids & families for baseball games late evenings & weekends(in season). Also beware of seasonal full time maintenance personel.
    Warnings: Cops do partrol this park often, but it gets enough use so that you can blend in & not attract attention.
whos coming to Hurt Park
  • I made a mistake in the directions! At East/West Connector, Floyd Rd. Becomes "Hicks Rd." if your going north. So just substitute "Hicks" for "Floyd" in the directions... Sorry.

    Commented on 6/7/2007 9:20:23 AM
