RFC Department Store


Las Pinas near StarMall Las Pinas

Is This Your Business?

It is an average public washroom eith 4 to 5 urinals and 4 cubicles. The maintance is average.
Crowd: Students and yuppies.

Who's Coming

Students and yuppies.

by bus or jeep
  • Crowd:Students and yuppies.
  • Directions:by bus or jeep
  • Hours:10am to 8 pm
    Best times: Late afternoon til cosing time around 8pm.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Usually you have to be patient in order to spot a guy because everyone is discreet since it is a public toilet. People who linger most like washing hands, combing hair and looking at the mirror too frequently are usually cruising like you, but be very discreet by just glancing at them and wearing your best smile.
    Cruisiest Spots: Cubicles and urinals.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:Usually cruisers there pretending urinate, but in fact they are busy showing their package to those who are interested.
    Warnings: Just be careful with the janitors because sometimes they can tell who's cruising, however they are tolerant with it.
whos coming to RFC Department Store