
28 Horsefair

Is This Your Business?

Pontefracts first gay bar, formerly known as Hollywood Show Bar, lots of hot guys drink and play here. Cottaging encouraged.

Neighbourhood: Northgate / Town Centre

Parking available to front and rear.
Bus Station opposite
  • Directions:Parking available to front and rear.
    Bus Station opposite
  • Hours:Anytime when open. Bar is busiest on an evening and at weekends
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Make eye contact with guys, follow them to the toilet or simply in the cubicle and wait.
    All sorts of guys go here especially lots of gay trendy lads and twinks.
    Pontefract Castle a short walk away.
  • Nudity / Policy:Nudity in cubicle
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No / Yes
  • Warnings:Low risks
whos coming to ANTIX BAR - PONTEFRACT