Southampton Common


Is This Your Business?

The woods get busy late at night when the boys leave the pubs and clubs and fancy a shag before going home. The police are aware of the place and sometimes ride up and down Cemetary Road in a marked car/van But that is all, I've never heard of them raidin
Crowd: Very mixed

Who's Coming

Very mixed

about half way up The Avenue (going north), turn left onto Northlands Road and immediately right into the Cemetary Road carpark. Head down to where the parking bays stop, and turn right onto a footpath. By day, turn right, parallel with the carpark, and head into the woods on the left. By night, pretty much anywhere.
  • Crowd:Very mixed
  • Directions:about half way up The Avenue (going north), turn left onto Northlands Road and immediately right into the Cemetary Road carpark. Head down to where the parking bays stop, and turn right onto a footpath. By day, turn right, parallel with the carpark, and head into the woods on the left. By night, pretty much anywhere.
  • Hours:Nightime
    Best times: After the pubs close
    Dates open: Nightime
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Be sensible and have fun.
    Cruisiest Spots: Just walk into the woods.
  • Nudity / Policy:Yes
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:Sometimes young straights congregate in the area in cars to smoke dope or just to hang out.
    Warnings: Use common sense and be safe
whos coming to Southampton Common