Park Hall Country Park


Is This Your Business?

This place is laid out like an ancient hill fort with banks and ditches and flat open areas. Lots of nooks and cranies to hide away in and it's all very bushy. Action takes place in one small area -- see under 'cruisiest spot'. This place can be very busy, especially at weekends. I've had some great times with some really fit, young guys. This is a viewpoint overlooking Stoke-on-Trent.
Crowd: All age ranges.

Neighbourhood: Hulme ST3 6QD

Who's Coming

All age ranges.

From the A50, head up the Weston Road to Leek. Turn into Park Hall Road and then left into Hulme Road. Past the first car park (dog walkers), past the golf course, past the 2nd car park (visitors centre) and up to the 3rd car park on the left hand side.
  • Crowd:All age ranges.
  • Directions:From the A50, head up the Weston Road to Leek. Turn into Park Hall Road and then left into Hulme Road. Past the first car park (dog walkers), past the golf course, past the 2nd car park (visitors centre) and up to the 3rd car park on the left hand side.
  • Hours:Daytime, evenings.
    Best times: Mid-afternoon
    Dates open: Daytime, evenings.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:From the carpark, turn right and walk down the path; there are some steep banks to the left, follow the path between the banks and hang around.
  • Nudity / Policy:Yes / Discretion required.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:Because the place is high up, radio hams visit at weekends, and the kids come to fly their model planes.
    In the evenings the XR2 boys shag their girlfriends and play their car-sterios on the car park.
    Warnings: Drug pushers ply their trade in the evenings.
whos coming to Park Hall Country Park