Perton Woods


Wrottesley Park Road, Perton

Is This Your Business?

The woods are an area of dense woodland in Perton. The woods are bounded by the Wergs Road, Wrottersley Park Road, and The Parkway.
Crowd: All types

Neighbourhood: Perton

Who's Coming

All types

Head out of Wolverhampton on the Wergs Road (A41) in the direction of Perton. You will notice a high stone wall to the left after passing through Tettenhall. At the Traffic lights turn left into Wrottersley Park Road. You will see the woods on the left hand side - it runs the length of the road. The best thing to do is carry along until you have gone past the farm shop on your right and have come to a roundabout. At the roundabout take the left turn. This road is called The Parkway. You will see a pub on the left called the Pear and Partridge. You can park in the pub carpark and walk into the Woods.
Cross street: Wergs Road
  • Crowd:All types
  • Directions:Head out of Wolverhampton on the Wergs Road (A41) in the direction of Perton. You will notice a high stone wall to the left after passing through Tettenhall. At the Traffic lights turn left into Wrottersley Park Road. You will see the woods on the left hand side - it runs the length of the road. The best thing to do is carry along until you have gone past the farm shop on your right and have come to a roundabout. At the roundabout take the left turn. This road is called The Parkway. You will see a pub on the left called the Pear and Partridge. You can park in the pub carpark and walk into the Woods.
    Cross street: Wergs Road
  • Hours:Mornings, lunch time, afternoons, evenings, late at night.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Smile, start a conversation etc
    Cruisiest Spots: Park in the pub carpark and walk into the woods. It gets cruiser the deeper you walk into the woods. There are plenty of concealed areas with trees and bushes.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:Superannuated dogwalkers, Old Aged Pensioners out for their daily constitutional.
    Warnings: There is a stream running through the woods so be careful not to fall in. Keep a look out for crusty old ladies walking their dogs and armed with walking sticks.
whos coming to Perton Woods