Elizabeth Gay Cruising Areas

  • Freemont Park - Elizabeth

    Main North Road , Elizabeth

    The toilet box itself has one cubicle and a . Usually sitting in your car gives you a good idea on who is going and who may me interested.

    rating of Freemont Park - Elizabeth
  • Freemont Park

    , Elizabeth

    Crowd: guys, young & old frequent the place.

    rating of Freemont Park
  • Dublin Apex Park

    , Elizabeth

    Seperate male/female toilets, male toilet has and one large cubicle that can be locked. The door has no gap at the bottom.
    Crowd: Truck drivers, tourists, local country guys.

    rating of Dublin Apex Park
  • Olive Grove

    , Elizabeth

    Crowd: Poeple who arent afraid of the dark.

    rating of Olive Grove