Hillingdon Gay Cruising Areas

  • First Out Caf Bar

    52 St. Giles Street , Hillingdon

    rating of First Out Café Bar
  • North Curcular Roadhanger laneW5

    North Curcular Road,hanger lane,W5 , Hillingdon

    hanger hill park,just next to the gold course,which is on the north circular road,just as u go over the gyratory system towards ealing

    rating of North Curcular Road,hanger lane,W5
  • Hillingdon Tube Station

    , Hillingdon

    At night a relatively empty quiet car park with no night wardens so you can park for free and without getting caught!
    Crowd: I've never bumped into any cruisers down there but have taken two guys t ...

    rating of Hillingdon Tube Station