Kidderminster Gay Cruising Areas

  • Baxter Gardens

    Hurcott Road/Birmingham Road , Kidderminster

    A fairly big, open park space, with lots of foilage. It has fairly high traffic during the day, but at night it's used by some guys to cruise.

    rating of Baxter Gardens
  • Kinver Edge Car Park

    Kingsford Lane, Nr Kinver , Kidderminster

    Carpark close to woods. Lots of tracks and cover!
    Crowd: Mixed bunch. Some young guys.

    rating of Kinver Edge Car Park
  • Car Park Kinver Edge

    Kingsford Lane , Kidderminster

    Plenty of cover generally and woods are close by.
    Crowd: Mix of folk. A few dog walkers so be discreet but fewer than at the toilets or other car park.

    rating of Car Park Kinver Edge
  • Kingsford Lane - Wolverley

    Kingsofrd Lane, Wolverley , Kidderminster

    This a quiet country leafy lane. Absolutley ideal! Forget Kinver Edge toilets; too many people will be watching those when they re-open in the autumn. Stay in the woods and leave the toilets for the o ...

    rating of Kingsford Lane - Wolverley
  • Brintons Park Cottage

    Off Sutton Park Road , Kidderminster

    Small toilets with stalls and unrinal. Can always go into park if dark and dry.
    Crowd: All sorts

    rating of Brintons Park Cottage
  • Kingsford Country Park

    Kingsford Lane, on way to Kinver , Kidderminster

    Crowd: Mostly old but some young studs.

    rating of Kingsford Country Park
  • Rifle Range

    , Kidderminster

    A few dog walkers up to 8:00 pm, then it gets a bit quieter. We need more , on lads.
    Crowd: All ages

    rating of Rifle Range