Scarborough Gay Cruising Areas

  • Scarborough Bluffs

    , Scarborough

    Several secluded areas below Scarborough Bluffs are frequently used by nudists. The boundaries of the area are the Toronto Hunt Club Golf Course to the west and Bluffers Park to the east. The directio ...

    rating of Scarborough Bluffs
  • Thomson Park

    , Scarborough

    In the winter times, barely anyone goes there, so its a good place to play around. The washrooms which are locked in the winter are very cruisy in the summer time.
    Crowd: All kinds of guys.

    rating of Thomson Park
  • Bendale Park

    Lawrence at McCowan , Scarborough

    Best to dicover the paths in the woods during the day so you can take a guy in there at night. There are no cops. Just take a walk and strike up a conversation. A jogger going past you two or three ti ...

    rating of Bendale Park
  • Highland Creek Community Park

    , Scarborough

    Lots of young guys, not too busy. Most tend not to like older crowd. Usually will ask for money for anyone that seems too old for them, but small price to pay to get prime young meat.
    Crowd: Lots o ...

    rating of Highland Creek Community Park