Toilets in James Pls, City


James Place, City

Is This Your Business?

The Toilets opposite City Cross near the Chocolate shop in James Place. There are 5 cubicles, two of which have recently had their seats removed.
machines in there if you need to use them.
Guys tend to write messages on the walls and doors of the cubicles asking when and where to meet.
There are a few small peep holes in the front of the toilet doors but it can be risky looking through one of these from teh outside in.

Neighbourhood: Adelaide

From Rundle Mall Walk towards King William Street and then turn up into James Place where Starbucks is. If your coming from Grenfill street turn down into James Place just after City Cross. You can also get there from City Cross. Go out the doors where the Bean Bar (coffee shop) is and the toilets are right opposite them.
  • Hours:Most times. Best during Mid Mornings to Afternoons. Lunchtimes can be busy due to people going in and out for lunch breaks.
    Outside the toilets you can see if any guys are interested. Also the urinals are a good place to see guys as well. then take them into the toilets or head else where if you want. Nudity / Policy:None that i know of There can be some 'funny people' there, such as drunks and crazy people. Cleaners come in occasionally but not too often. Mainly an older guys place, that means not too many kids come in there.
whos coming to Toilets in James Pls, City