Thomas Jefferson University Curtis Building 3rd Floor


1015 Walnut Street

Is This Your Business?

Crowd: students, teachers, docs etc...

Who's Coming

students, teachers, docs etc...

take elevator to 3rd floor. go towards Sleep Disorder lab--there is a private bathroom with a lock. meet in the mens room stalls then go to the locked bathroom.
Cross street: between 10 and 11th
  • Crowd:students, teachers, docs etc...
  • Directions:take elevator to 3rd floor. go towards Sleep Disorder lab--there is a private bathroom with a lock. meet in the mens room stalls then go to the locked bathroom.
    Cross street: between 10 and 11th
  • Hours:m-f 0800-5:00pm
    Best times: 230-500pm
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:use your instincts--
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
whos coming to Thomas Jefferson University Curtis Building 3rd Floor