Stans Two Inc


19266 E Walnut Dr N, Rowland Heights, CA 91748

(626) 854-3575

Is This Your Business?

This place is always very active. I've never been there at a time where there wasn't anyone cruising. There's also s in every booth and even in the bathrooms. Although some old holes have been covered up, new ones have been made. The arcade and the bathrooms are practically closed off to where the employees work so you shouldn't run into any problems.
Crowd: Asians, Hispanics, and Whites. Rowland Heights is a very Asian and Hispanic populated city so you see a lot of those. However, most of the Asian guys seem to be straight and I haven't seen a lot of them go into the booths, at least the hot ones, besides me. Lots of white and Hispanics in the arcade though.

Who's Coming

Asians, Hispanics, and Whites. Rowland Heights is a very Asian and Hispanic populated city so you see a lot of those. However, most of the Asian guys seem to be straight and I haven't seen a lot of them go into the booths, at least the hot ones, besides me. Lots of white and Hispanics in the arcade though.

It's close to Carl's Jr., Gas Station, and 99 Ranch Market.
  • Crowd:Asians, Hispanics, and Whites. Rowland Heights is a very Asian and Hispanic populated city so you see a lot of those. However, most of the Asian guys seem to be straight and I haven't seen a lot of them go into the booths, at least the hot ones, besides me. Lots of white and Hispanics in the arcade though.
  • Hours:24 hours/7 days a week.
    Best times: It's open 24/7 so there are always guys/cruisers there. But the times that I've seen the most guys there were around 11AM-1PM and 5-8PM.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Almost everyone in the arcade or bathroom area is looking for some action, so you don't have to wait long to get a little something. First time I went there, practically everyone was giving me a signal, like a wave or a nod. Don't act too suspicious in the store though. If you just want to meet someone, don't cruise around in the store where the products are, just go directly to the booths in the back so the employees can't see you.
    Cruisiest Spots: Arcade and bathroom area.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:Yes
  • Warnings:There are some trolls, but I think its basically just personal preference in what you find attractive. Lot of guys seem to be 20-50's.
    Warnings: Although there are signs posted that give warnings to cruisers, I don't think the employees take it too seriously. I've never encountered any problems and the employees are very friendly. However, there is a small collage of pictures of people who aren't allowed in the store anymore, but I believe it's because of thieves.
whos coming to Stans Two Inc
  • I go here sometimes. talent is hit or miss but they generally turn their heads to what goes on in the back. I've even taken a few good pics;)

    Commented on 2/20/2014 7:42:26 PM

  • Gbear - If you were there last Friday, then i know who you are. Since you know the place really well, I need some advice. What is the secret to hooking up there? I try going into the $2 booths and hang out, but don't have luck there. I have done the $5 (now 6) and never have any luck either. I have attributed it to my look (overweight). Last Friday did seemed dead though.

    BTW: You need more AC or fans in the private viewing area.

    Commented on 6/9/2009 9:51:33 AM

  • I think I'll try the preview booths next. time I'm there.

    Commented on 6/8/2009 4:18:44 AM

  • I am one of the clerks who worh there, cruising is always alowed both in viewing booths and arcade. We are laid back and allow fun especially during my shifts graveyard 12:00am -8:00am sun, mon, thur and 4pm-12am friday. Just respect one another and have fun in the back. Those who are too picky leave empty handed so be oprn minded and you just might find a big thick surprise indise some one's pants. I also play but have to be very selective when playing but open to all horning men.

    Commented on 6/8/2009 3:15:07 AM

  • The reason these posts were old is there are now two listings for the same place. The other listing has a photo.

    Commented on 5/16/2009 2:35:27 AM

  • yeah, the place is still hot. a lot of times though, most of the guys are older, but every time i've been (a lot) there's always action. so it's definitely worth it.

    Commented on 5/15/2009 2:50:52 AM

  • Is this place still open? All the comments are from 2008. If anyone knows mail me please. I'd hate to waist a trip out there.

    Commented on 5/13/2009 7:16:57 AM

  • seems cool but in arcade should u leave chain up or down to score?

    i tried up and this did not work to well? if its down then will others just enter the booth?


    Commented on 2/6/2008 6:04:08 AM

  • Laurie, I can be there tonight. Hit me up.

    Commented on 10/21/2007 7:57:51 AM

  • hi,

    i am a hot cd/tv and i love playing in arcades. if you would like to have a booth date at Stans II sometime soon, let me know and we will set one up.



    Commented on 10/21/2007 7:08:49 AM
