Fitchburg Gay Cruising Areas

  • Cogshall Park Mirror Lake

    , Fitchburg

    This is a public park that is well used by city residents, so discretion is required. There's plenty of woods to play in - just find your partner and go out into the woods to avoid detection
    Crowd: ...

    rating of Cogshall Park Mirror Lake
  • Hammond Building

    160 Pearl St. - Fitchburg State College , Fitchburg

    The cruisy restroom has steady stream of young men, many of whom are anxious to get off. Action on and off throughout the day.
    Crowd: College men.

    rating of Hammond Building
  • Collins Park

    , Fitchburg

    This cruisy park is adjacent Fitchburg State campus. During the day, cruising is less overt and centers around the swimming pool. Lots of young Latinos. At night, guys use the uppper parking lot near ...

    rating of Collins Park