Winston-Salem Gay Cruising Areas

  • Bethabara Park

    2147 Bethabara road , Winston-Salem

    Not private enough for encounters. You basically go there to make initial contact with someone. Pretty small layout -- very close to a couple of apartment complexes & homes. Not many people go there ...

    rating of Bethabara Park
  • Hobby Park

    , Winston-Salem

    Park that is out of the way, however is very busy on the weekend.
    Crowd: All type mostly older men

    rating of Hobby Park
  • Hanes Mall JC Penney Sears

    Hanes Mall , Winston-Salem

    Seems like non-stop connections, and sometimes wide open action.
    Crowd: Varied mix of gays and bi-marrieds

    rating of Hanes Mall JC Penney & Sears
  • Hwy 52 Scenic Overlook

    , Winston-Salem

    Pull in, get cruised, have a little head, go home. Or get cruised, go meet in private . North of Winston, in the county -- no cops. Just the rare State Patrol or sheriff. in cars, etc. Turn off you l ...

    rating of Hwy 52 Scenic Overlook