Montreal Gay Cruising Areas

  • Promenades de la Cathedrale

    Metro McGill , Montreal

    Students and business men are passing by. So if you're interested, this is the place to be in the morning. The two isolated urinals are perfect, no one can see us j/o together.

    rating of Promenades de la Cathedrale
  • Universite De Montreal

    Rue Jean Brillant , Montreal

    Crowd: Etudiants/ Students

    rating of Universite De Montreal
  • Complexe Desjardins

    Ste-Catherine Ouest , Montreal

    rating of Complexe Desjardins
  • UQAM pav Judith Jasmin

    Connected with metro Berri-UQAM , Montreal

    There are five urinals and most of the guys who use them don't do it to pee... There's also a very few frequented stair just next to the bathroom, so you can go there for more intimacy.
    Crowd: Stud ...

    rating of UQAM pav Judith Jasmin
  • Westmount Square

    Atwatter Metro , Montreal

    Stalls in front of urinals, plain and simple but always someone there; if not just wait, it won't be long. March 8, 2002: The washroom near Green St. was closed for renovations.
    Crowd: White collar ...

    rating of Westmount Square
  • UQAM Pavillon Design

    1440 Sanguinet (corner of Ste-Catherine) , Montreal

    Open your door and it will happen, with nice young men in heat...ready to and having fun!
    Crowd: Young guys, frat boys...

    rating of UQAM (Pavillon Design)
  • Parc Angrignon

    , Montreal

    In some places the forest is very dense, so you can hide. Some other places are open space, but non-frequented. Look for the very small trail of the lakeshore.
    Crowd: During day it's mostly old guy ...

    rating of Parc Angrignon
  • Place Bonne Aventure

    Rene Levesque et Univercity , Montreal

    Tu peux t'acroupire pour te faire manger la grenne, ou te crosser par dessous la separation. Tu peux ejaculer
    par la fente de la porte pour le gars qui a la bouche ouverte de l'autre cote.
    You ...

    rating of Place Bonne Aventure
  • Place London Life

    2001 University , Montreal

    Lots of guys looking for a after work or school, but nothing very special.
    Crowd: Businessmen, students, all kinds of guys.

    rating of Place London Life
  • Concordia University Sir George Williams Campus Henry F Hall Building Upper Floors

    1455 De Maisonneuve West , Montreal

    Regular university washroom. Cubicles and urinals. 12th floor men's is private and less traffic...ideal for a good . Cruise on the 8th floor men's and take your pick to the 12th floor men's. Eye cont ...

    rating of Concordia University Sir George Williams Campus Henry F Hall Building Upper Floors