Its a bunch of cruisy paths that are near a baseball diamond field which is near a Community pool named Highbridge. Lots of Hot Dominicans looking for head
Crowd: Latino's and Blacks
Neighbourhood: Washington Heights
Who's Coming
Latino's and Blacks
Take 1,A and/or C train to 168th Street walk east towards the park, walk up to 170th Street, will be near a baseball field.
Cross street: Near Highbridge Pool
- Crowd:Latino's and Blacks
- Directions:Take 1,A and/or C train to 168th Street walk east towards the park, walk up to 170th Street, will be near a baseball field.
Cross street: Near Highbridge Pool
- Hours:Afternoons, early morning or late evenings, best when sun is down
- Cruising Info/ Tips:Grassy area near basefield. Walk to wire fence and walk over it. A bunch of trails have been made due to the cruising in this area.
- Wheelchair Accessible:No
- Warnings:Some crackheads/addicts since alot of of the Dominicans who cruise are dealers as well.
Warnings: There is police precinct a block away although, I have never seen police activity there.
(You have to be logged in) Add Commenti think this post simply needs to be changed a bit- the level up by the ball field isn't all that cruisy, but behind it, down the hill on the paved, lined bike path, there is huge potential- little trails all down the sides and TONS of privacy- could be very cruisable. just suggesting. i live right near it and walked it today, it has the potential, let's use it- enter the bike path at the 168 entrance (all the way as far east as you can go) and walk north on the trail- it's private and quiet- trail ends at lrge staircase that brings you ball field to get out-
Commented on 6/15/2009 4:33:10 AM
This place is a joke. I have gone there a number of times, at different times of the evening and night, and have NEVER seen anyone least no one cruising. All I have seen is a bunch of drunk latinos sitting around together. I've walked on the little trails, and waited around near the ball field, and NEVER have seen any guys there coming up to cruise. This listing should be taken down since no cruising ever goes on there.
Commented on 8/13/2007 10:31:11 AM