New York Gay Cruising Areas

  • Riverside Park Mens Bathroom

    73rd Street & Hudson River Promenade , New York

    Crowd: On Sat. and Sun mostly staraight Daddies with little kids, but they don't hang out long. Weekdays there are a couple of homeless guys who just do their business there, but for some reason may h ...

    rating of Riverside Park, Men's Bathroom
  • AOL Time Warner Building

    Columbus Circle , New York

    Crowd: Cuties, Asian, Hispanic, Black, White, you name it as it is a tourist spot.

    rating of AOL Time Warner Building
  • Grand Hyatt New York

    109 East 42nd Street next to Grand Central , New York

    There are a decent amount of urinals there and the stalls are very private with walls to the floor.
    There are alot of business men and commuters who don't prefer the smelly dirty bathrooms at Grand ...

    rating of Grand Hyatt, New York
  • Lerner Hall Columbia U

    2922 Broadway , New York

    5th floor & 4th floor restrooms seem to have some action - tap foot and wait for tap back.
    Crowd: Students, staff - must have ID to enter building, can sign in with photo id - they don't ask questi ...

    rating of Lerner Hall, Columbia U
  • Borders Bookstore

    32nd & 2nd east side os Ave. , New York

    Regular bootstore and toilets.
    Crowd: Employees and eastsiders.

    rating of Borders Bookstore
  • NYU Silver 6th Floor Bathroom

    , New York

    Crowd: College kids.

    rating of NYU Silver 6th Floor Bathroom
  • Small fenced corner lot

    Between 2nd & 3rd ave (35thstreet). It's on the south side of 35th street , New York

    On the sw corner. A low brick wall surrounds the perimeter. Atop the brickwall is a chain link fence. There is a dark wooded area inside. The entrance is a small break in the lower brick wall where th ...

    rating of Small fenced corner lot
  • Plum Beach Belt Parkway Rest Stop Beach

    , New York

    Crowd: Russians, hot guys, locals, out of towners driving by.

    rating of Plum Beach, Belt Parkway Rest Stop Beach
  • New School

    66 West 12th , New York

    Update 4/25/2008: correct address is 66 West 12th.

    Once you enter the building from the main floor, go down the stairs to the basement. It might be a bit tricky to spot. You might also take the ...

    rating of New School
  • NYU Bobst Library

    70 Washington Square South , New York

    Sadly for some, and fortunately for others, this is really just for students with access to the library.
    There are 4 stalls and 4 urinals. Enough space under the divisions to your neighbor's und ...

    rating of NYU Bobst Library